

All of our staff will use personal protective equipment (PPE) during your visit and during your treatment. These will include face visors, with KN45 masks, disposable gloves & aprons.

During the time the clinic has been shut, we all staff members have completed the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Prevention and Control course which is accredited by Skills for Health, one of the leading providers of learning to the Health Care sector For your safety and to maintain social distancing, we ask that you attend your appointments as close to the appointment time as possible.

Please do not arrive early for appointments unless pre agreed. This may mean result in unnecessary human contact . Unfortunately, friends, family & children cannot enter the premises. If you have booked appointments with a back to back appointment with a friend or family member then please still enter the clinic alone – one at a time.

We understand that you may be from the same household but this is in order to protect our staff and others in the clinic. To adhere to the ‘stay vigilant’ guidelines, our reception desk has been fitted with a Perspex screen that will be cleaned after any individual has made contact.


As before COVID 19 we will deep clean at the end of each day with medical grade disinfectant & sterilising equipment including all common surfaces, toilets & doors, handles & floors & medical devices. Equally all tools and equipment will be disinfected & sterilised in line with the specific manufacturers’ instructions. Wherever possible we will utilise environmentally friendly, single use items during treatments, that are disposed of by way of our medical waste company- this further protects you from cross infection. All disposable items are bagged in medical waste bags and safely removed from the treatment area between each client. You will have access to soap and hot water & hand sanitisers in the reception areas and in each treatment room. Disposable Masks will be offered to you where appropriate.


If any of our staff feel ill or have symptoms of C0VlD-19, they will self-isolate immediately and not come into the clinic, this may limit availability. We ask for your understanding and flexibility If your appointment is cancelled, we will as ever endeavour to you to re-book you again as soon as possible. If you or any of the people you live with feel ill or display any symptoms of C0VlD-19 – please advise us as soon as possible and do not attend the clinic. If you are displaying obvious signs of COVID 19 you may be refused treatment. Please do not be offended. We have amended our booking terms and conditions and you will not be charged for any appointments which you miss due to illness. In this instance your deposits are fully transferrable.


We have carried out a risk assessment and spoken with our insurers on all treatments, & adhering to all of our health & safety protocols, we are fully confident that we can continue to provide these safely.


Our staff understand the importance of hand hygiene & cross infection avoidance. We will ensure that we wash our hands in according with NHS recommendations before the start of your treatment. Disposable gloves will be worn at all times. Medical grade KN45 masks, Facial Visors & disposable aprons will also be worn. As before, couch covers will be disinfected before & after treatments.


In order to avoid handling of cash, we would prefer if you could pay for your treatment by card. All of these procedures have been implemented for your safety and that of our staff. We will continue to take advice from the Government and the NHS regarding safe practice and will amend them as necessary. If you feel you would like to see anything else implemented, we are happy to oblige. We cant wait to see you all gain.